The health benefits of learning a second language

The Toronto Star - Megan Dolski "Cuervo knew that learning [...]

Study: Learning a second language at early age could provide long-term benefits

YLE - Staff Writer "Learning and speaking a second language [...]

3 Ways Learning A New Language Helps Your Brain–Even If You Never Get Fluent

Fast Company - Art Markman "Remember your seventh-grade Spanish class? [...]

How the brain changes when we learn to read

Medical X-Press - Nicola Bell "Right now, you are reading [...]

Learning a language really can make you smarter

Net Doctor - Abi Millar "Learning a foreign language can [...]

German Prof: ‘Learning a foreign language can make you smarter’

The Wichitan - Herbert McCullough "She talked about how influential [...]

The importance of immersion: Foreign language instruction must be more interactive

The Collegiate Times - Nistha Dube "As a student who [...]

In young bilingual children two languages develop simultaneously but independently

Medical X-Press - Staff Writer "A new study of Spanish-English [...]

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