If in doubt, let them out — children have the right to play
Children have a right to play outdoors. Playing outside has a host of health and social benefits for kids
Children have a right to play outdoors. Playing outside has a host of health and social benefits for kids
Financial literacy helps young people stay in control of their lives and improves mental well-being
After declining math scores Ontario is grappling with how to make improvements by 'using more numbers than words'
Research on 112,000 Canadian high school students finds that those who took more music courses did better in math, science, and English.
Canadian Paediatric Society calls for shift away from shaming, blaming and other types of negative discipline for children and instead encourages parents to practice "positive parenting"
In Canada, Mexico, and the USA a debate is raging on whether students have a right to learn a second language
Canadian elementary students are getting back to basics in math
One in five children have mental health problems, says study
Raising multilingual children can be difficult but the rewards make the hard work worthwhile
The Clinton News Record - Daniel Caudle "According to the [...]