The Bilingual Advantage in the Global Workplace

Here are 4 traits that give bilinguals an advantage when they enter the global workforce

Jobs where foreign language skills are most important

There are many career options awaiting you if you are fluent in another language. In fact, some of the jobs in need of bilingual workers may surprise you

New Education Data Underlines Challenges Facing High School Seniors

Newly released 12th-grade NAEP scores show disappointing declines in math and reading skills prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using data and lessons learned this year, we can all work together to support these students in leaving high school college and career ready.

How Can I Help My Child Choose An Appropriate Career

Here are some tips and ideas to aid parents in helping their children find the best career path based on their talents and interests.

Spaces to grow: Creating, rebuilding areas for CTE learning

By reimagining the classroom and other environments on campus, schools can deliver programs that build a future for career-conscious students

Steele: Surveys Show Generation Z Seeks Different Education Paths. It’s Time We Showed Them All Their Options

By connecting the dots between the desires of Gen Z teens and the postsecondary opportunities that a technical, skills-based education provides, we can open the door to quicker access to the workforce with less debt

6 ways learning a second language helps you get ahead in your career

The great Italian movie director Federico Fellini once said: “A different language is a different vision of life,” implying that learning another language is not about just learning new words but about learning different ways to think.

Boost your job prospects or do what you love? How to pick the right uni subject

For many students, working out what to study at university is guided by whether they want a route directly to a job, or to keep their options open. But sometimes it’s not easy to decide between the two.

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