Your Checklist for Virtual Project-Based Learning

Why now is the perfect time to introduce students to project-based learning. During distance learning well-designed projects allowed kids to work independently at home in a way that was engaging and provided continuity of learning.

With Safety in Mind, Schools Take Classes Outdoors

There are plenty of logistics to consider, but educators say outdoor classes keep kids and teachers safer—and provide much-needed fresh air.

How Remote Learning Has Changed The Nature Of School Bullying

Virtual classrooms have made life easier for many kids who dealt with bullies, but new forms of cyberbullying exist.

Help students with ADHD successfully return to in-person learning

How can we help students with ADHD successfully return to in-person learning? While educators knew to expect a regression in ADHD students' academic skills, self-regulation and behaviors, there are actions that can help.

Strong relationships help kids catch up after 6 months of COVID-19 school closures

The approach that schools take to addressing how to get students caught up in learning they missed due to COVID-19 school closures may have a lasting impact on this generation.

Are the kids alright? Social isolation can take a toll, but play can help

Some children are not socially engaging with their peers in the way they did before the pandemic. It's understandable if parents are worried, but play can help

Children’s Anxiety & Loneliness This School Year Can Be Managed, Experts Say

This school year will be difficult for kids as they face new and unprecedented challenges. Here's how parents can help their children deal with anxiety or feelings of loneliness

The battle over dyslexia

It was once a widely accepted way of explaining why some children struggled to read and write. But in recent years, some experts have begun to question the existence of dyslexia itself

5 ways to support online homeschooling through the coronavirus pandemic

Motivating students, encouraging their self-regulation and maintaining home-to-school communication are ways parents have the potential to positively influence learning outcomes.

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