Languages that dominate the business world
Do you want to rise to the top of the business world? Learning Spanish or Mandarin will help
Do you want to rise to the top of the business world? Learning Spanish or Mandarin will help
Why learning Mandarin and other languages will benefit Americans
Geopolitics and the global adoption of the internet are creating an East vs West language divide. In the future will you need to know Mandarin as it grows to become more dominant on the web?
There's no stopping Chinese from becoming a global language, argues Australian professors
As part of #OperationStorytime Children's book author Grace Lin is not only reading to kids but teaching them to draw and sharing tidbits on Chinese culture
An American whose classroom in Beijing is now online shares what she and her team have learned since the coronavirus hit, just as U.S. teachers make the same shift.
What happens if coronavirus shuts down U.S. schools? 5 lessons in emergency distance learning from China
4 Essential Books for Young Chinese Language Learners
Translating a language like Chinese – one that is radically different from the Latin language family – digital translators may not be savvy enough to provide a nuanced, reliable definition
Learning Chinese opens a new world and culture for you to explore