11 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes That Inspire Kids To Dream
There are plenty of quotes that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that are highly inspirational and will inspire your children to dream. These are a few.
There are plenty of quotes that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that are highly inspirational and will inspire your children to dream. These are a few.
These 16 children's books will introduce your kids to Martin Luther King, Jr and his legacy
Most U.S. social studies teachers feel unprepared to teach civic learning
A healthy American democracy must have a citizenry that understands the basics of its government and history. Yet few schools bother to teach youngsters these elementary facts anymore. The solution is surprisingly simple.
Should civics be a high school graduation requirement?
The U.S. has a civic education problem — here's how to fix it
Naturalized citizens often have a better understanding of civics, US history, government and geography than natural born citizens. How can we fix the civics crisis in the nation's schools? (video)
Civics education should encourage participation: voting, volunteering, attending rallies, but don't forget to teach checks and balances and other norms
How Civics Education Is Important For Public Understanding Of Health And Science
Students who use tech devices with ease don't necessarily have media literacy skills--here's how to cultivate media literacy and civic awareness