Innovating in a Crisis — 1-Click College Counseling & Other Reinventions to Connect Students, Parents and Even Alumni

By making college supports more convenient and flexible, educators define a more expansive vision where every student can get access to the help they need, whenever and wherever they need it

Spring Came, the Pandemic Improved, the Economy Got Stronger, But College Enrollment Numbers Actually Got Worse

Spring 2021 college enrollments dipped even further compared to last spring, far more than anyone expected and especially at community colleges

From admissions to teaching to grading, AI is infiltrating higher education

From admissions to teaching to grading, Artificial Intelligence is infiltrating higher education. As colleges’ use of the technology grows, so do questions about bias and accuracy

What If Students Didn’t Have to Leave Community Colleges to Earn Bachelor’s Degrees?

What If Students Didn’t Have to Leave Community Colleges to Earn Bachelor’s Degrees?

New Poll Shows Nearly Half of American Parents Rethinking Value of Four-Year College; Want Additional Alternatives for Children

New Poll Shows Nearly Half of American Parents Rethinking Value of Four-Year College; Want Additional Alternatives for Children

As enrollment crashes, universities are reinventing themselves

A year of pandemic life fueled a transformation of higher education. But with enrollment slipping, many institutions are being forced to reinvent themselves on the fly.

College enrollment declines for 2020 high school grads may not be as big as projected

New data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center indicates the drop-off in high school graduates immediately matriculating to college this fall may not be as dramatic as initially reported.

BBB Warns Parents About Fake SAT Prep Sites

The Better Business Bureau is warning parents to be aware of scammers posing as College Board employees or other SAT prep sites.

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