10 Skill Your Teenager Should Know Before Heading Off To College

The 10 skills teenagers need to acquire before heading off to college

The Year’s Ten Biggest Higher Education Stories

Most of this year’s top higher ed stories revolved around the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on fundamental aspects of higher education.

Fall College Enrollment Plummets For 1st-Year Students

Fall College Enrollment Plummets For 1st-Year Students

The Future Of Jobs And Education

We are seeing a massive transformation taking place in the jobs market and in the field of education. Digitization and automation are challenging many traditional jobs as well as ways we learn

OPINION: Learn a foreign language

Learning a foreign language is a fun and rewarding experience that will benefit students of all ages

How education leaders tried to stave off disaster in 2020

While colleges turned to online learning to stay operational amid the COVID-19, they continue to face the financial and existential issues raised by the pandemic

College completion rate stays flat: report

The pace at which students are finishing college continues to slow, according to new data showing the six-year graduation rates of undergraduate learners who started in the fall of 2014.

College freshmen and high school seniors lagging in completing financial aid applications

College freshmen and high school seniors lagging in completing financial aid applications

A College Degree Is No Guarantee of a Good Life

College is just one way to happy, fulfilled life. Today's young people are discovering new paths like apprenticeships

More people with bachelor’s degrees go back to school to learn skilled trades

More people with bachelor’s degrees go back to school to learn skilled trades. Trend highlights how some students who get four-year educations don’t use them

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