Pandemic’s disruption gave universities time to regroup on tech

Despite technical and accessibility challenges, many ed tech leaders said coronavirus pandemic afforded them the chance to rethink models that have needed updating for decades

Ethical challenges loom over decisions to resume in-person college classes

The disruption of the education of millions of Americans could be devastating. But how soon will it be safe to start phasing out online instruction?

The Demystification Of Higher Education For Fall 2020 And Technology’s Supporting Role

While there may be more differences than similarities when comparing the first day of classes this fall over last, the education delivered will be solid, future-focused and more dependent on technology than ever before.

A Path To Lifelong Learning: Credentialing Every Semester Of Higher Education

If universities began to credential in three-month segments, a lifelong learning model could arrive within just a few years.

Will COVID-19 Save Higher Education?

COVID-19 has pushed nearly all colleges to online learning. Will this actually help universities in the long run?

When Is The Ideal Time To Start A College Savings Plan?

A regular investment made monthly or annual can provide enough growth opportunities for a college savings plan, but when should parents start?

Pressure mounts for universities to anticipate in-demand jobs

Pressure mounts for universities to anticipate in-demand jobs. But producing grads with needed skills is something employers say America hasn’t done well

The Higher Education Experience Coming Fall 2020 Is What You Make Of It

With normalcy off the table, fall semester planning in higher education is in a swirl and your reaction wields significant power on stressed students.

The Pandemic & Higher Education: Old Problems, New Opportunities

The crises sweeping through our college and university campuses today – student debt, escalating costs, and the move to online and remote learning – did not arrive with the virus but have been building for decades.

Analysis: What Is the Value of a Bachelor’s Degree? The Answer Depends on Where You Live and What You Do

The economic value of education lies in work-based productivity, so understanding exactly what kind of education is valuable in the local economy is critical information

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