Americans’ View Of Higher Education Takes A Major Drop

Only half of Americans now believe that a college education is “very important,” a dramatic decrease from the 70% who said it was very important in 2013.

Former Secretary Margaret Spellings on Better Equipping Children for College and an Evolving Workforce — and Why High Schools Must Become More Like Community Colleges

Why it’s so important that we equip America’s children for the workforce and college

Ten Predictions For The Very Near Future Of Higher Education

Here are ten predictions of a not-so-distant future for higher education.

New College Scorecard could help students choose better colleges, but there’s still room to improve it

The new College Scorecard – an online tool – offers valuable insights into how much you can expect to earn and owe if you choose a particular major at a particular school, an economist writes.

U.S. News & World Report Ranks Schools with the Best Study Abroad Programs

U.S. News & World Report Ranks Schools with the Best Study Abroad Programs

Good grades and a desk ‘key for university hopes’

Having a desk to work at, good grades and high expectations from parents, as well as being happy at school, are key factors in encouraging children to go on to university, a study suggests.

Should Congress Link Higher-Ed Funding To Graduation Rates?

Should higher ed funding be linked to a college's graduation rate? Experts debate whether or not Congress should use it as an accountability metric as they prepare to reauthorize the Higher Education Act

Should Skills Training Replace Higher Education?

Here are four new rules for today's high school students who are considering their next move to college or career.

Should Career Counselors Use Digital Personality Tests to Help Students Choose Majors?

Can digital personality tests help students choose the right college major?

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