How to emphasize, teach and use computational thinking

Once aligned to coding, computational thinking can be woven into other areas of curriculum and assessments as well

How do U.S. students’ computer and information literacy skills stack up?

An international study gauges students' computer and information literacy skills, along with computational thinking

Computer science now counts as math credit in most states – is this a good idea?

Most states have changed their rules in recent years to let computer science count as a required high school math or science class. A physics professor explains how that trend could set students back.

Boost in high school students taking advanced computer science could change the face of tech

More girls in computer science and STEM classes could change the face of tech

Computer ‘geek’ stereotype puts girls off subject

Cultural stereotyping of computer users as "male, socially awkward and intense" has led to a low number of girls studying computing, says UK study

Girls Who Code Helps Draft ‘Landmark’ Legislation Aimed at Closing the Gender Gap

Girls Who Code helps to draft legislation that aims to close the gender gap in computer science

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