4 ways schools use video game design to spark interest in computer science

Schools can harness the power of video games to spark interest in computer science by tapping into students existing enthusiasm, helping them build technical and soft skills while also broadening STEM diversity

Where does school cybersecurity stand in a year disrupted by coronavirus?

Where does school cybersecurity stand in a year disrupted by coronavirus? Despite a shift in the types of incidents reported, experts suggest devices could be compromised and "waiting" to be reconnected to school networks in fall.

Protecting Students In The Screen Age: An Action Tool For Parents And Teachers

The constant presence of computers in classrooms has created education, security and privacy issues far faster than many schools or parents can cope. Now there's a tool kit that can help.

Can computer translators ever beat speaking a foreign tongue?

Relying on translating apps can often lead to embarrassing mistakes and an inability to forge real relationships. Learning another language still opens special personal and career opportunities

How to emphasize, teach and use computational thinking

Once aligned to coding, computational thinking can be woven into other areas of curriculum and assessments as well

How do U.S. students’ computer and information literacy skills stack up?

An international study gauges students' computer and information literacy skills, along with computational thinking

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