Educating Through a Pandemic: From Conflicting Local and State Plans in Connecticut to Homeschooling in Nebraska and Color-Coded Campus Days in SC, 8 Ways Schools & States Are Adapting to COVID-19

Educating through a pandemic: From conflicting local and state plans in Connecticut to homeschooling in Nebraska and color-coded campus days in South Carolina, 8 ways schools & states are adapting to COVID-19

Study: Career and Technical Education Yields Not Just Higher Earnings but Higher Test Scores

New research on career and technical education finds that enrolling in one of Connecticut's #CTE schools improves test scores, high school graduation and early-career earnings for male students

Study: Career And Technical Education Yields Not Just Higher Earnings, But Higher Test Scores

New research on career and technical education finds that enrolling in one of Connecticut's CTE schools improves test scores, high school graduation, and early-career earnings for male students

Few states recognize the arts as part of their ESSA accountability plans

Illinois, Connecticut and Kentucky are examples of how states are using the ESSA law's broader definition of student success to emphasize the arts.

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