What Summer Schools Learned About the Challenges of Reopening

Across the country, forward-looking districts used summer school to anticipate—and try to solve—some of the issues they’d inevitably face when schools reopened.

How Safe Is Your School’s Reopening Plan? Here’s What To Look For

Here's what parents should look for in a school's reopening plan

Putting interrupted learning back on track

As schools prepare to welcome back students--in person or online--addressing learning gaps caused by COVID-19 is essential

Another problem with shifting education online: cheating

Will the shift to more online learning create a wave of cheating by students?

5 Sneaky Signs Your Kid Is Anxious About Going Back To School

Back-to-school anxiety is common at beginning of every school year, but 2020 is different. How can parents tell if their children are suffering from anxiety about returning to school and how can they help?

Will your kid play school sports this fall? Here’s some guidance on doing it safely

If you're thinking about letting your children resume sports while the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage, a leading pediatricians' group says there are a few things you should consider

Navigating cyberbullying more difficult amid COVID-19, but there are options

Navigating cyberbullying more difficult amid COVID-19, but there are options for educators and parents

Schools can reopen safely if precautions in place, Australian study shows

Safeguards such as contact tracing and swift isolation of cases of COVID-19 could be the key to reopening U.S. schools safely this September, a study from Australia shows.

Sal Khan’s advice on preparing for and succeeding with distance learning

Sal Khan's advice on preparing for and succeeding with distance learning

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