Plans to Administer ‘Nation’s Report Card’ in 2021 to Proceed Despite Concerns Over Reliability and Funding During Pandemic

Preparation for 2021 reading and math assessments for #thenationsreportcard should continue, declares the National Assessment Governing Board.

U.N. Chief: Coronavirus Led To Largest Disruption Of Education In History

The coronavirus pandemic has been the largest disruption to education in history, says United Nations chief

What a 200-year-old experiment can teach anxious parents about home schooling

Learning isn’t only about textbooks, it’s about awakening in students the desire to grapple with interesting challenges

Deciding how and whether to reopen schools is complex – here’s how rocket scientists would develop a plan

A systems engineering expert applies the same method NASA's Project Apollo engineers used to offer a systematic approach to deciding on school reopening at a local level.

5 reasons why SEL is essential in the COVID era

5 reasons why social-emotional learning will be essential as schools reopen in the fall

Analysis: Taking Attendance Amid the Pandemic Is About More Than Student Participation. It Will Be Invaluable Data About Whether Distance Learning Is Actually Working

Taking school attendance amid the pandemic is about more than student participation. It will be invaluable data about whether distance learning is actually working.

Amid Pandemic Downturn, New Research Shows Great Recession Hurt Student Test Scores, Widened Achievement Gaps & Reduced College Attendance

Amid Pandemic Downturn, New Research Shows Great Recession Hurt Student Test Scores, Widened Achievement Gaps & Reduced College Attendance

3 ways to promote social skills in homebound kids

It's worth going out of your way to ensure that kids practice interacting with others and maintain their friendships as they are largely stuck at home due to COVID-19

‘Generation Covid’: children have been hit from all sides, and they need help now

Covid-19 means poverty, isolation, depression and educational failure for millions of American children.

Young & Rosenberg: 4 Major Concerns School-Based Mental Health Professionals Have for Students This Fall

As districts and schools plan for the coming year, they must ask a fundamental question: Do we have a flexible, powerful mental health safety net in place? If the answer is no, now is the time to act

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