Revisiting Blended Learning Principles, With School Plans in Limbo

Blended learning principles and practices can help educators think through how to make the most of an uncertain future that may be a hybrid of in-person and remote learning

11 COVID safety measures that are a must for districts

In a National PTA webinar, infectious disease physicians answered questions from parents and teachers on COVID-19’s impact on children and youth and what current information indicates about how to mitigate risks for transmission in schools.

Is School Safe? Will Districts Test For COVID-19? Answering Back-To-School Questions

Is School Safe? Will Districts Test For COVID-19? Answering Back-To-School Questions

Educators, governors ask Congress for more remote-education funding

Government leaders and educators asked Congress in a letter on Friday for more federal funding to improve online learning and provide mental and physical health support for schools reopening in the fall.

2 Simple Ways to Improve Online Instruction

Distance learning started as an emergency in the spring, but teachers are finding ways to make it better, even for students working on smartphones.

Here’s What to Know About Moving Classroom Management Online

Promoting student independence is key to creating productive online learning environments.

‘Self-directed learning’ skills are key to making remote instruction work

The success of remote learning will largely depend on students being self-directed learners

3 Keys to a Better 2020–21

In response to the upheaval of the pandemic, researchers and the leaders of over 100 schools focused on three fundamental areas of education, whether it’s in person or virtual, to make sure the 2020-21 school year is better

‘We Are Being Asked to Do the Impossible’: As Pandemic Spikes in Several States, Parents Brace for Historically Chaotic Return to School

Is the spread of #COVID19 in Israel after schools fully reopened in May a lesson for the U.S.? Read about the chaos surrounding #returntoschool

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