Creativity Education Is Equally Important For Careers In STEM And The Arts
The creative skills students learn from the arts is vital for STEM
The creative skills students learn from the arts is vital for STEM
Sustaining students' curiosity, collaboration, and connectedness is critical to remote learning success during the pandemic
Early literacy instruction should go beyond the basics. Preparing kids to be critical thinkers and problem solvers requires teaching a mix of foundational skills and higher-level abstract skills.
Allowing your children to take brain breaks during online learning keeps their minds healthy and helps with cognitive abilities, reading comprehension, and divergent thinking (creative thinking)
Igniting creativity in students could be the key to a successful transition back to school even when it is distance learning
When it comes to equity, critical thinking skills, and evaluating information, school librarians are critical for students
Experts say parents should look for toys that encourage open-ended, active play and problem-solving to give their children a fun STEM learning experience
Students who learn how to make comics—even simple ones—become stronger storytellers and gain confidence in their ability to be creative.
Student journalism promotes personalized learning and critical thinking. It improves grades and ACT scores, promotes equity for students of color and amplifies student voice
Learning isn’t only about textbooks, it’s about awakening in students the desire to grapple with interesting challenges