Confucius’ wisdom is still cherished after two millennia with the efforts from his hometown to promote this philosophy

Celebrating Confucianism, a philosophy that is considered to have helped form China's society, which still influences and inspires people all around the world with its advocacy for education, harmony and other excellent qualities of humanity.

Viewpoint: A gentle reminder to keep learning about China

Why Americans should learn more about China, Chinese culture and language

What is the Moon Festival? A scholar of Chinese religions explains

The Moon Festival, rooted in China’s long history and rich cultural traditions, will be celebrated on Sept. 21. In China, though, the festival is a three-day public holiday.

An emphasis on learning languages supports cultural understanding

An emphasis on learning languages supports cultural understanding

Chinese culture that goes beyond borders

Career ambitions and curiosity about another civilization are fueling students' thirst for knowledge about China and its culture and language

Cultivating ‘multilingual identities’ in schools could help reverse national crisis in language-learning

More students may choose to study foreign languages if they are encouraged to ‘identify’ with languages at school, rather than just learning vocabulary and grammar, new research suggests.

English Vinglish: There is something very rewarding about learning a new language

Why learn a new language in the age of translation apps? Because the apps will not open you up to the essence of a society, its people and culture

How to Help High School Students Develop Empathy

Writing exercises, opportunities for cultural exchange, and encouraging active listening can lead to more empathy among teens.

3 Things You Can Learn From Watching Foreign-Language TV

Watching foreign language films can boost your language learning and cultural awareness

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