Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity
Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity
Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity
New K-12 cybersecurity learning standards aim to build awareness and create a more diverse talent pipeline
Why automation is key to education’s cybersecurity problem
The new K-12 cybersecurity learning standards have been touted as the first of their kind by as the nation faces both a growing number of advanced cyberattacks and a skills gap for professionals in the space.
As COVID made remote and hybrid learning an everyday reality, it also exposed network vulnerabilities, making cybersecurity awareness more essential than ever
Why teaching children to be safe online is more important than ever
As schools have moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity and the strength of passwords has grown in importance. Here are 4 steps for schools, students, teachers, and parents to create safe passwords
Students may show great aptitude for tech, including computer hacking—here’s how to guide them down the right cybersecurity path
Attention to K-12 cybersecurity grows in nearly 100 bills introduced in 2020
Distance learning provides students with a real-world example of how to safely operate in cyberspace