Think Digital Native Means Digitally Literate? Think Again.
It turns out that students do have digital skills, but not necessarily the digital literacy they need to do their schoolwork
It turns out that students do have digital skills, but not necessarily the digital literacy they need to do their schoolwork
How online SEL can support struggling students
Are take home digital devices spying on students?
How To Help A Child Suffering From Academic Anxiety After A Year Of Online Learning
Digital books connect all students with reading opportunities--but vulnerable populations, in particular, see huge benefits
New research shines light on vulnerability in student monitoring software that could have exposed millions of students to hacks during remote learning
Research is now showing what works — and what doesn’t — for students forced online by the pandemic. Better course design should be the next step.
In Print or Onscreen? Making The Most of Reading With Young Children
What Will Online Learning Look Like in 10 Years? Zoom Has Some Ideas
Parents need online learning options