4 Tips for Protecting Take-Home Devices
4 Tips for Parents and students on how to keep take-home devices in good working condition.
4 Tips for Parents and students on how to keep take-home devices in good working condition.
Online learning was an adjustment for everyone, but now, parents say they'd like to keep it as a learning choice moving forward
New research documents why digital and mobile tools will continue to play a role in the classroom and be instrumental in student-directed learning
Virtual learning will become more permanent post-COVID
New research shows 84% of parents plan to send at least one of their children back to school in-person this fall; 12% unsure and just 5% keeping their kids home.
Hybrid learning, online credentials will survive edtech 'hype cycle,' edX CEO says
Four Social-Emotional Learning takeaways from a year of remote learning
5 solutions for fixing the flaws in online learning
These remote learning tools can also be used inside the classroom
Colleges should invest in digital learning records, Education Dept. says