Uplifting A High Schooler Who’s Ashamed Of Their Learning Disability

How parents can help their high school students who feel ashamed about having a learning disability

4 Ways to Guide Students With Disabilities to Success After High School

Strong relationships with teachers combined with early postsecondary planning can improve disabled students’ college and career outcomes.

5 tips to help preschoolers with special needs during the pandemic

The pandemic and shifts to virtual learning have set many children back academically. The setbacks can be particularly challenging for children with disabilities, but recovery is possible.

When ‘Careless Mistakes’ Aren’t: Dyscalculia, Math Anxiety, and Learning Strategies That Help

Dyscalculia, a math learning disability, can make learning and calculating numbers downright painful but these strategies can help students see math as a fun experience

First study reveals bilingualism not a problem for children with Down’s syndrome

First study reveals bilingualism not a problem for children with Down's syndrome

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