Driving Dual Language Forward
Is dual language learning the future of learning? If so how can we structure these programs so students can succeed?
Is dual language learning the future of learning? If so how can we structure these programs so students can succeed?
Dual-language immersion push reveals California teacher shortage
Studies have found that early-education programs that use dual-immersion models of teaching, as opposed to English-only models, produce favorable cognitive, achievement, and social outcomes
Edutopia - Conor P. Williams "A number of these programs [...]
Language Magazine - Fabrice Jaumont "Gregg Roberts once said that [...]
KPCC - Kyle Stokes "Los Angeles Unified school officials often [...]
Language Magazine - Jenny Muniz "Dual-language programs, which provide instruction [...]
Education World - Joel Stice "The U.S. Hispanic population accounts [...]
Ed Source - Ashley Hopkinson "As an initiative approved by [...]
Education World - Joel Stice "As of 2015, there are [...]