Learning with Dyslexia and Creating a Path to Success

By advocating for themselves, perfecting the art of listening and by finding creative forms of self-expression, these dyslexic students have created positive pathways for their lives and careers.

How Dyslexia is a Different Brain, Not a Disease

Students, parents, and teachers must understand that the dyslexic’s brain isn’t “broken” or deficient, just organized in a different way. And there is specialized reading instruction specifically for the different brain structure.

What Teachers Should Know About Dysgraphia

Students with dysgraphia have an unexpected difficulty with spelling and writing skills. Here are the red flags to look for, and ways to support these students.

Meeting Teachers’ Needs to Help Dyslexic Students Succeed

Teachers need targeted professional development and resources to best serve students with language-based learning disabilities, says writer

Understanding Dyslexia and How Alternative Teaching Methods Can Help Breed Success

A dyslexia diagnosis may mean that alternative teaching methods might be necessary to help children be successful, for it is through empowerment of bright students with dyslexia that they will ultimately fulfill their potential

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