How the Gender Gap in STEM Might Get its Start in Elementary School

Does the gender gap in STEM start i n elementary school? Even when test scores are similar between boys and girls, girls are less likely to get recommended for accelerated math programs

Report: Authentic learning could improve elementary math instruction

Learning math in elementary school requires students to internalize concepts and should build on their natural curiosity

How to Use Dictation in Spelling Instruction

Though it’s sometimes seen as old-fashioned, dictation can be useful in teaching early elementary students to spell.

Productive struggle in the elementary mathematics

Knowing what you're teaching and how you plan to teach and assess each academic standard along the way is key to promoting productive struggle in your classroom. This will empower students and boost their growth and achievement

Study Shows Link Between Early Education And Future Career Success

Elementary and middle school students with a strong work ethic and above-average performance were more likely to earn higher degrees, make more money, and be more satisfied with their life.

6 Elementary Reading Strategies That Really Work

Strategies like choral reading and ear reading improve elementary school students’ reading fluency, expand their vocabulary, and increase their confidence.

Family-school engagement has specific perks for young students

Elementary school children and middle school students are less likely to have concentration problems and behavioral issues at the end of a school year if their parents made a greater effort to be engaged with their schooling earlier in the year.

Should All Elementary Schools Be Required to Teach a Foreign Language?

Why elementary school is a good time for children to begin learning a foreign language

Using Dance to Promote SEL Skills

Bringing dance into the classroom with simple exercises can help elementary students develop social and emotional learning skills.

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