How a Buddy Program Can Foster SEL

Pairing young learners with older elementary and middle school students can boost social and emotional learning skills for both groups.

OPINION: Emotions matter, and that’s why addressing mental health from the earliest years is key to improving academic performance

Emotions matter, and that’s why addressing mental health from the earliest years is key to improving academic performance

What Is Social-Emotional Learning And Why Is It Important

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is when children are taught how to process and manage their feelings.

7 Books To Help Your Child Understand Emotions

Many great children’s books now exist to help parents and caregivers develop children’s emotional intelligence and shape their emotional reactivity.

“Emotional Coaching” May Help Kids With Anxiety As They Return To School

When kids feel their emotions are validated, they feel a sense of security that can help them through anxiety-filled situations.

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