Kindergarten behavior predicts adult earning power

New research draws a direct link between kids’ attentiveness, aggression and friendliness in kindergarten and their adult income

Build Empathy and Understanding by Pairing Comics With Novels

Comic books don't have to just be about superheros. They can also be used to teach kids empathy and understanding

Most Educators Assess Their Students’ Social-Emotional Learning, but Few See the Whole Picture. Here’s What They’re Missing

It’s easy to tell whether students can add or subtract. A lot harder to measure how good they are at taking someone else’s perspective. Here’s why educators should try anyway

74 Interview: Curriculum Designer Christina Riley Teaches Students Compassion and Empathy Alongside Literacy. Here’s How She Does It

If students can feel empathy toward characters in a book, they can also feel it toward their classmates. Here’s how social-emotional learning can be taught in school

How to teach empathy & sustainability through global connections

How to schools can teach children empathy and sustainability through making global connections

Set the children free – show them the joy of reading for reading’s sake

Instilling a love of reading in children can increase their empathy, unleash their creativity and open their minds to new possibilities

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