A Culture of Kindness in Early Childhood Classrooms

Encouraging kindness in the early grades helps children develop behaviors that have value far beyond their school years.

If You Teach Children To Be Kind You Get Better Results In Class

How teaching children to be kind can also improve their classroom performance

How To Teach Kids To Be A ‘Helper’

Here's some expert-backed advice for parents who want their children to be positive forces in their communities.

Teaching pupils empathy measurably improves their creative abilities

Teaching children in a way that encourages them to empathize with others measurably improves their creativity

Using play to ‘school’ children’s emotions

Pretend play promotes the development of socio-emotional competences in children aged five and six

Connecting SEL to Academic Outcomes

Skills that students develop in social and emotional learning—empathy, collaboration, and so on—are closely connected to standards in many academic subjects.

3 reasons social-emotional learning is of paramount importance

Teaching students the skills to express their emotions and modeling healthy relationships helps shape a future of transformational leaders

25 Children’s Books That Explain Death And Grief To Kids

Death and grief are natural parts of the human experience, but addressing such heavy topics with kids can seem daunting. These children's books can help

Helping Students Read Emotions Behind Masks

Teaching young students to tune in to facial expressions—even when partially obscured by a mask—can support the development of emotional literacy skills. (video)

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