Languages ‘Critical’ to U.S. Employers

According to a report, a majority of U.S. employers say they need employees with language skills other than English, with Mandarin and Spanish speakers in high demand. Those unable to fill this need may find themselves falling behind in the global market.

Kids needs tax education

News Herald - Juliann Talkington Regardless of whether you believe [...]

Changing our Paradigm

News Herald - Juliann Talkington Technology is changing so fast, [...]

College reality

News Herald - Juliann Talkington In a few weeks tens [...]

College may no longer be necessary, high quality K-12 education is

News Herald - Juliann Talkington Even though psychologists have been [...]

Simon Sinek About the Millennial Paradox

YouTube - Laptop Lifestyle "Working with Millennials can be a [...]

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