5 children’s books that teach valuable engineering lessons

Picture books and young adult biographies can introduce kids to design-based thinking and engineering habits like creativity and persistence.

Teaching preschoolers to love STEAM

How can we get preschool children to love STEAM? It starts with a spirit of inquiry, and also involves turning a robot into a bird—discover how science and art merge together in engaging ways

4 Easy Ways to Engage Girls in Engineering on Girl Day, 2021

On Girl Day—and all year 'round!—engage girls in engineering with these four easy steps from DiscoverE.

5 Ways to Give Students a Makerspace Experience at Home

Hands-on projects that use inexpensive materials and focus on multiple iterations help make learning fun. Here are 5 ways parents can give their children a makerspace at home

Report: Pentagon Says STEM Education Deficit is Weakening America

The United States risks losing its competitive advantage if it continues with its business-as-usual approach and fails to equip its students and future workforce with a strong STEM education and skills, warns Pentagon

12 Interesting STEM Books For School-Aged Kids

STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math is the future for our children. So, get them ready with these interesting books.

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