Why every child needs explicit phonics instruction to learn to read

English is a code-based language, with 26 letters to represent 44 speech sounds. Children must first learn to master the code if they want to be successful readers.

5 Reasons Why Native English Speakers Struggle To Learn Foreign Languages

5 Reasons Why Native English Speakers Struggle To Learn Foreign Languages

To learn English, bilingual children need robust vocabulary from parents and caregivers

Early language exposure provides the foundation for children's language development

Using a Makerspace for English and Humanities Instruction

Makerspaces don't have to just be for STEM subjects. Turning abstract concepts like symbolism and imagery into 3D representations develops deeper understanding and engagement in English and the Humanities

A Major New Study Confirms the Academic Benefits of Music Education

Research on 112,000 Canadian high school students finds that those who took more music courses did better in math, science, and English.

Music students score better in math, science, English than non-musical peers

High school students who take music courses score significantly better on exams in certain other subjects, including math and science

Why Speaking Only English Is Not Enough

Being monolingual is not good enough for today's students. Language immersion is needed to help address global challenges, yet U.S. citizens are falling behind.

Bilingual Teachers in Short Supply Across America

The USA is facing a bilingual teacher shortage

In the Americas, right to learn a second language gains support

In Canada, Mexico, and the USA a debate is raging on whether students have a right to learn a second language

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