How to Keep Physical Education Fun and Safe for Elementary Students

How to keep Physical Education fun and safe for Elementary Students during the age of COVID-19 and remote learning

How P.E. teachers are trying to get students off the couch during the pandemic

Keeping kids active is crucial for their mental and physical health - especially now. Here's how Physical Education teachers are trying to get students off the couch during the pandemic

PE can do much more than keep children fit – but its many benefits are often overlooked

Physical Education can do much more than keep children fit – but its many benefits are often overlooked

Distance learning makes it harder for kids to exercise, especially in low-income communities

School closures have affected children across the US in numerous ways, but it especially impacts a child's physical activity. Outdoor play can change that

For those with ADHD, exercise can aid schooling

For students with ADHD daily exercise can improve their performance in school, especially if they are learning from home

As schools reopen, will this be the least fit generation of schoolchildren ever?

As schools reopen, will this be the least fit generation of schoolchildren ever?

How to keep kids active while learning from home—and why that’s vital

How to keep kids active while learning from home—and why that's vital

Short exercise breaks during class improve concentration for senior students

A short activity break can improve students’ focus on the task at hand and make them feel more energized.

Kids spend nearly three-quarters of their school day sitting. Here’s how to get them moving — during lessons

Getting students to move while learning a concept helps them understand it better. And it gets them off their seats.

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