Kids’ physical activity before age 5 matters so much because of the developing brain

When young children are active, their brains and bodies develop the ABCs of "physical literacy," a key developmental foundation.

Kids need physical education – even when they can’t get it at school

Kids need physical education – even when they can’t get it at school

COVID-19 school closures could worsen childhood obesity: Here’s how to combat weight gain in teens

With schools and many playgrounds closed too COVID19 many pediatricians are concerned about a possible spike in childhood obesity rates, but here is how parents can help

Let the children play: 4 reasons why play is vital during the coronavirus

P.L.A.Y.: An acronym to remind you why letting children play is a responsible and critical way to support children's development through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus Closing Your Kid’s School? One Parent’s Plan for Daddy School

From nerf football to TED Talks, a dad shares his ideas to keeping the kids active and learning while they're out of school

Sitting still linked to increased risk of depression in adolescents

Adolescents who are too sedentary are more likely to suffer from depression, says study

Running a mile a day can make children healthier – here’s how schools can make it more fun

From obstacle courses to playing music, school children give their thoughts on how to make a daily run more exciting.

Study Finds Boys Who Are Less Physically Active Have Less Reading Ability

Could increasing a boy's physical activity help them become better readers? A study from Finland suggests it could

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