A Communication Repair Strategy for World Language Classes

Misunderstandings are bound to happen for world language students as they navigate between multiple languages, but these mistakes can lead to better communication

New cultures, new experiences: 4 ways to keep kids learning while travelling

Your children can have a rich experience, seeing different parts of the world and understanding other cultures. And there are several things you can do to support their learning.

Bipartisan Language Education Bill Introduced

Language Magazine - Jane Sevier "Reps. David Price (D-NC), Leonard [...]

Foreign Language Requirements Lead to Multilingualism

Language Magazine - Staff Writer "A Pew Research Center study [...]

The Reinvention of Bilingual Education in America’s Schools

Slate - Sarah Carr "One afternoon last fall, I watched [...]

“Grammaring”: The Fifth Skill In Language Teaching and Learning

Morocco World News - Mohamed Benhima "Language teaching and learning [...]

Bilingual children are likely to be more empathetic, better communicators

The Independent - Evan Bartlett "Children who are exposed to [...]


The Daily Star - ARUBA ADIL & ADIT HASAN " [...]

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