Teenage boys’ academic ambition may explain gender pay gap, study says

The gender pay gap may be partly explained by teenage boys having more ambitious aims to attend prestigious universities than girls, even if they have the same academic results, according to research.

How the Gender Gap in STEM Might Get its Start in Elementary School

Does the gender gap in STEM start i n elementary school? Even when test scores are similar between boys and girls, girls are less likely to get recommended for accelerated math programs

Let’s change the ‘girls play flute, boys bash drums’ stereotypes

Boys play drums and girls play flutes? It doesn't have to be that way. Why it's important to break gender stereotypes in music class

Investing in Girls’ STEM Education in Developing Countries

The education gender gap costs the world between $15 trillion and $30 trillion in human capital. U.S. aid programs need to equip girls and women to participate in the modern digital economy.

Much ado over the gender gap in STEM

The gender gap in STEM ed is often more complex than headlines suggest. Teen girls may score higher on tests, but boys show greater interest and enthusiasm.

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