7 Must-Read Children’s Books To Celebrate International Women’s Day

Looking for the perfect book for your child on International Women's Day? These 7 inspiring children's books are all written by powerful women for ambitious and curious girls of all ages.

4 Easy Ways to Engage Girls in Engineering on Girl Day, 2021

On Girl Day—and all year 'round!—engage girls in engineering with these four easy steps from DiscoverE.

Boris Johnson says girls’ education key to ending poverty

The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Boris Johnson says girls' education key to ending global poverty

Early-life education improves memory in old age — Especially for women

Study suggest that children--especially girls--who attend school for longer will have better memory abilities in old age

After-school STEM learning gets a boost from the Million Girls Moonshot

The setting and environment of after-school lend themselves uniquely to the kinds of hands-on, sleeves-rolled-up learning so critical to STEM education, and programs put that advantage to good use.

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