How Hands-On Projects Can Deepen Math Learning for Teens

When students build a catapult or tell a story with equations they can see how their calculation and formulas translate to contexts beyond a whiteboard.

More Play, Hands-On Learning In Kindergarten Improves Academic Outcomes

A new study suggests that emphasizing social and hands-on play in kindergarten actually leads to better outcomes for students as they get older

Emphasizing social play in kindergarten improves academics, reduces teacher burnout

Emphasizing more play, hands-on learning, and students helping one another in kindergarten improves academic outcomes, self-control and attention regulation, finds study

Beekeeping offers students hands-on science, business and agriculture experience

Middle and high school science classes that incorporate beekeeping allow students a firsthand look at nature — and at harvesting and selling products like honey and beeswax lip balm.

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