A Clean Start: School Cleaning and Sanitation Solutions for Reopening

A return to in-person learning has some parents concerned about school sanitation programs

Aldeman: Lessons from Spanish Flu — Babies Born in 1919 Had Worse Educational, Life Outcomes Than Those Born Just Before or After. Could That Happen With COVID-19?

Lessons from Spanish Flu — Babies Born in 1919 Had Worse Educational, Life Outcomes Than Those Born Just Before or After. Could That Happen With COVID-19?

Senate passes School-Based Allergies and Asthma Act

Senate passes School-Based Allergies and Asthma Act. Approval of the bipartisan bill would give protections to students and potential federal grant money to schools that enact comprehensive management plans.

How To Reduce Child’s Back & Neck Pain While Online Learning

With so many kids doing online school this year, parents need to know how to help prevent & treat neck & back pain from being on a screen all day.

Even if you’re asymptomatic, COVID-19 can harm your heart, study shows – here’s what student athletes need to know

Even if you’re asymptomatic, COVID-19 can harm your heart, study shows – here’s what student athletes need to know

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