Strong relationships help kids catch up after 6 months of COVID-19 school closures

The approach that schools take to addressing how to get students caught up in learning they missed due to COVID-19 school closures may have a lasting impact on this generation.

Report: 23 states, DC failed to give schools health guidance for reopening

Almost half of states didn't provide clear public health guidance to districts making school reopening decisions, according to a new report

17 Children’s Books To Help Kids Navigate Life During A Pandemic

These 17 children's books will help kids better understand life during the pandemic as they cover handwashing, germs, anxiety, separation and more.

Masks, Divided Tables, Assigned Spots on the Rug: Inside One Preschool’s Strategy for Coping With COVID-19

Masks, Divided Tables, Assigned Spots on the Rug: Inside One Preschool’s Strategy for Coping With COVID-19

Kids are bigger coronavirus spreaders than many doctors realized – here’s how schools can lower the risk

Checking for coronavirus symptoms is just the beginning. Here are 10 ways schools can help keep children, families and faculty safe.

Enforcing Mask Mandates in Schools Becomes Sticking Point as Students Return to Campus While Pandemic Rages

The CDC encourages students to wear masks at school — but should educators punish students who fail to comply?

Will your kid play school sports this fall? Here’s some guidance on doing it safely

If you're thinking about letting your children resume sports while the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage, a leading pediatricians' group says there are a few things you should consider

What Back to School Might Look Like in the Age of Covid-19

An illustrated guide to how schools will try to control the coronavirus when students return to their classrooms, this fall or in the future.

Kids need to wear masks when they go to school in person, and parents can help them get the hang of that

Kids need to wear masks when they go to school in person, and parents can help them get the hang of that now by creating a routine for their children

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