Ambitious Research Project — To Review How Every School in America Responded to COVID-19 — Aims To Deliver Its First Findings in Early July

New research effort will use artificial intelligence to look at how every K-12 district, charter and private school responded to #COVID-19 shutdown

How parents and teachers rated online learning

77% of parents are very or somewhat concerned about the coronavirus outbreak's negative impact on learning

Kids will need recess more than ever when returning to school post-coronavirus

Global experts in child development say recess will be critical for children’s well-being when schools reopen, so education authorities should see planning recess as a high priority.

Are The CDC School Guidelines Better Than Quarantine? Experts Say It’s Complicated

Are the new CDC school guidelines any better than just being quarantined? Which scenario is actually better for a child's wellbeing?

Increasing screen time during COVID-19 could be harmful to kids’ eyesight

With online learning and social distancing, kids are spending more time staring at screens and less time outdoors. That can put them at higher risk of myopia and serious eye problems in the future.

Health Experts Say Schools Can Reopen in the Fall — But With Some Big Changes

Across the country schools are preparing for a back-to-school season unlike any other in living memory.

How feasible are school reopening plans for fall?

Common trends across reopening schools plans from prominent education, government and health organizations suggest doing so may be easier said than done.

Rotherham: From Homeschooling to the Digital Divide to Philanthropy, 10 Questions About COVID-19 and the Future of Education

From homeschooling to the digital divide to philanthropy, 10 questions about COVID-19 and the future of education

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