8 Ways to Bolster Executive Function in Teens and Tweens

Middle school and high school students suddenly face more complex schedules, tougher academic work, and an expanding network of friends. How can we help them manage it all?

Debunking myths and supporting older struggling readers

The reasons that students remain struggling readers in middle and high school are frequently based on myths and misconceptions.

FAFSA Applications Fell After COVID — And For Many Incoming Freshmen, They Haven’t Recovered

A new study of FAFSA applications in California finds that freshmen haven’t recovered from an early dip due to COVID

Q&A: Why a Minnesota HS Counselor Is Sounding the Alarm on Declining College Applications, Pandemic-Fueled FAFSA Roadblocks and Teens’ Waning Interest in ‘Zoom’ Universities

Why a Minnesota high school counselor is sounding the alarm on declining college applications, pandemic-fueled FAFSA roadblocks and teens’ waning interesting in ‘Zoom’ universities

Make financial literacy a graduation requirement

Far too often students enter the world without any financial knowledge. Financial literacy should be a part of every child's education

High school students tend to get more motivated over time

Increasing students' sense of 'belonging' in school was one key way of increasing academic motivation

Student Survey: 1 in 4 High School Seniors Had Their Post-Graduation Plans Changed by the Pandemic

1 in 4 High School Seniors Had Their Post-Graduation Plans Changed by the Pandemic, Says Student Survey

PROOF POINTS: Even older teens benefit from catch-up classes

Even older teens benefit from catch-up classes. Long-term study of Israeli high school students finds higher incomes in adulthood

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