Learn to say ‘I don’t know’: teachers’ tips for parents weary of lockdown 2 schooling

Learn to say 'I don't know': teachers' tips for parents weary of distance learning

To learn at home, kids need more than just teaching materials. Their brain must also adapt to the context

To learn at home, kids need more than just teaching materials. Their brain must also adapt to the context

A List Of Science Activities For Preschoolers

These fun science activities can keep your children entertained and learning while distance learning

Kapur & Srinivasan: Pandemic Is Strengthening the Home-School Connection. How Education Nonprofits Are Boosting Family Engagement to Help Kids Succeed

Teachers, families and other stakeholders are realizing that in the age of COVID, education cannot happen unless parents are true collaborators. This new attitude may have been born of necessity, but it has the potential to create lasting changes

Can You Use A 529 Plan For K-12 Home Schooling?

With so many families across the United States doing online-school, a lot of parents are asking if they can use a 529 plan to cover expenses related to this - such as technology, internet access, and more.

5 ways to support online homeschooling through the coronavirus pandemic

Motivating students, encouraging their self-regulation and maintaining home-to-school communication are ways parents have the potential to positively influence learning outcomes.

The Science of Keeping Kids Engaged—Even From Home

The upcoming school year will be filled with uncertainty, but the need to keep students engaged while working from home feels like a sure thing. Fortunately, there is a science of motivation.

Tips For Teaching Preschool Phonics At Home

Whether you're keeping your child home with you or just supplementing, these tips will help you successfully teach phonics at home.

What’s The Difference Between Homeschooling & Virtual Learning? Experts Explain

Facing an uncertain fall semester many parents and children maybe wondering what is the difference between virtual learning and homeschooling

Educating Through a Pandemic: From Conflicting Local and State Plans in Connecticut to Homeschooling in Nebraska and Color-Coded Campus Days in SC, 8 Ways Schools & States Are Adapting to COVID-19

Educating through a pandemic: From conflicting local and state plans in Connecticut to homeschooling in Nebraska and color-coded campus days in South Carolina, 8 ways schools & states are adapting to COVID-19

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