WATCH: As Livestreams Bring Nature to New Homeschoolers, Here Are 5 Bird Cams Worth Bookmarking to Bring a Little Wildlife to Your Weekday

Whether hobby-seeking or looking to supplement at-home science class, The Audubon Society and share ways for families to learn more about birds.

Tyre & Weinberg: During Pandemic, Parents Are Learning Their Kids Can’t Write Very Well. The Secret: They Weren’t Taught How. Some Strategies to Help

During pandemic, parents are quickly learning that their children can’t write very well. Writers explore why, and tell parents what they can do about it.

Brenneman & Lenowitz: Math Can’t Wait for School to Reopen — How Teachers Can Empower Parents to Create ‘Math Time’ for Their Kids at Home

By supporting families when they are at home, educators can create a foundation of early math knowledge that extends far beyond the classroom when schools reopen

5 Home Learning Experiences for the Elementary Grades

Here are 6 homeschooling activities for elementary school kids that incorporate speaking and listening, reading and writing, math, music, science, art, and drama—and are parent-friendly.

6 ways to build motivation to do your schoolwork now that you’re forced to learn online at home

Organization is key for students to discover the motivation needed to complete their studies online at home

7 Guiding Principles For Parents Teaching From Home

Understanding the “why” behind teaching practices can help parents create meaningful and effective at-home learning opportunities during the pandemic.

How online learning may be more than a stopgap in the US

What changes to the way children are educated might come after the current pandemic? While there are still shortcomings to address, some see innovation happening in online learning – and in how people think about the goal of education.

Fun Online Classes For Kids To Learn, Create And Move At Home

From cooking classes, exercise classes and courses on gardening and other creative hobbies there are many supplemental courses online to keep kids entertained and learning

‘What I got wrong was trying to be a teacher’: how to last the distance at home schooling

It’s a challenge for parents to keep up the momentum of homeschooling when tempers are fraying. Here parents and experts share their tips

Survey Says Parents Are Worried COVID-19 Will Affect Their Kid’s Education

A recent Gallup survey says that most parents are worried about how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect their children’s education.

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