The ultimate parents’ guide to education and activity resources

The ultimate parents’ guide to education and activity resources to help with homeschooling

Rule No. 1 for Parents Doing ‘Crisis Schooling’: Take a Deep Breath

Parents, are you stressed out over homeschooling your kids during the COVID19 crisis? It's okay to take a deep breath and relax

Munson: Are the Math Lessons Your Kids Are Doing at Home Good Enough? Here Are Some Things for Parents to Look For

A parent is a child’s first teacher. With a few suggestions for what to look for, parents can assess whether their child’s math curriculum is helping to build important problem-solving skills and a deep understanding of important concepts

6 Ways to Transition IEP Goals to Remote Learning

During the Covid-19 pandemic, meeting individualized education program (IEP) goals can be a challenge. Here are ways to help.

Homeschooling math lessons: Think dice games, cooking fractions and ratios with chocolate milk

Improving a child's sense of numbers, and their understanding of probability, fractions, ratios, shapes and patterns, can all be incorporated into daily life or with simple games.

6 tips for parents who home-school

Educating your children at home doesn't have to resemble the kind of education that takes place in a regular classroom, an expert advises.

Pupils begin studying at home – a challenge for them, parents and teachers

Schools provide online classes, but some students struggle to stay motivated after cancelled exams

In School Response to Coronavirus, States Lead the Way

In school response to Coronavirus, states are leading the way. From Illinois, recommendations for minimum and maximum learning time per day, based on students' ages

5 Home Learning Experiences for the Elementary Grades

Here are 6 homeschooling activities for elementary school kids that incorporate speaking and listening, reading and writing, math, music, science, art, and drama—and are parent-friendly.

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