How online learning may be more than a stopgap in the US

What changes to the way children are educated might come after the current pandemic? While there are still shortcomings to address, some see innovation happening in online learning – and in how people think about the goal of education.

Fun Online Classes For Kids To Learn, Create And Move At Home

From cooking classes, exercise classes and courses on gardening and other creative hobbies there are many supplemental courses online to keep kids entertained and learning

‘What I got wrong was trying to be a teacher’: how to last the distance at home schooling

It’s a challenge for parents to keep up the momentum of homeschooling when tempers are fraying. Here parents and experts share their tips

Top 5 Homeschooling Science Experiments You Can Do With All Of Your Kids

These 5 science experiments that you can do at home are sure to make kids say, "Wow!" Parents will also be intrigued and happy they joined in.

How To Create A Distraction-Free Area For Schoolwork

Since many of us have been throwing into homeschooling pretty fast, here are tips on how to create a workspace at home for your kids.

Kids can keep learning even during a lockdown. Here’s how

To keep their children learning at home parents must be prepared to learn along with their kids, take a break when they need to -- and have fun.

OPINION: Four effective strategies for parents who are now homeschooling their children

Two educators explain how parents can navigate jobs, children and the quarantine

Trying to homeschool because of coronavirus? Here are 5 tips to help your child learn

Many school kids may be studying from home as their schools have closed or they need to isolate themselves for other reasons. Parents won't need to be teachers, but more teachers' aids.

How to help your kids with homework (without doing it for them)

How can parents effectively help their kids with homework? While it's important to show support and model learning behavior, there is a limit to how much help you can give without robbing your child of the opportunity to learn for themselves.

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