Move Over STEM: Why SHAPE Skills Will Add True Value To Tomorrow’s Workforce
SHAPE aims to do for the arts and humanities what STEM has done for math and science
SHAPE aims to do for the arts and humanities what STEM has done for math and science
Why the humanities and arts shouldn't be left behind as STEM becomes the focus of many ed policymakers
Girls are great at math. But if they’re even better at reading, they might be more motivated to choose a humanities-focused career.
Makerspaces don't have to just be for STEM subjects. Turning abstract concepts like symbolism and imagery into 3D representations develops deeper understanding and engagement in English and the Humanities
By using these computational thinking strategies, students will have the tools to strengthen their humanities skills
The Sydney Morning Herald - Jordan Baker "An over-emphasis on [...]
Alter Net - Gareth Loudon "In his famous Rede Lecture [...]
Ed Surge - Jen Curtis "It started with an underwhelming [...]
The Chronicle of Higher Education - Neal Koblitz "When I [...]
The Scientific American - Editorial "Promoting science and technology education [...]