7 Tips For Raising Bilingual Kids
Knowing more than one language is always beneficial. According to research being bilingual boosts children's IQ.
Knowing more than one language is always beneficial. According to research being bilingual boosts children's IQ.
A recent study suggested music education doesn't improve the intelligence of students, but there are so many beneficial elements of learning music that any child will benefit from music classes
Can apps really boost your kids' intelligence?
The skills that make up executive function are better predictors of success than test scores, IQ, or socioeconomic status.
Why do some people learn music more quickly than others? Intelligence could play a role
Researchers have found that young children who are exposed to large amounts of adult speech tend to have better cognitive skills.
Medical X-Press - Staff Writer "Being able to voluntarily regulate [...]
Edutopia - Youki Terada "When Howard Gardner introduced his multiple [...]
Science Daily - Staff Writer "A year of schooling leaves [...]
Education World - Cathy Rubin "We teach to the test. [...]