Federal Statement in Support of International Education

The U.S. Departments of State and Education have issued a Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education. Policy should boost international student exchange, especially between US and China

What You Need to Know About Becoming an International Studies Major

Why you should consider becoming an international studies major. International studies majors explore ways of improving individual countries and the world.

Are students’ information literacy skills up to par?

An international study gauges students' computer and information literacy skills, along with computational thinking

Global student slump: More money hasn’t helped. What will?

Improving student achievement is a complicated problem, but countries often apply a simple solution: money. With little progress being made despite more spending, what other options should be explored?

New cultures, new experiences: 4 ways to keep kids learning while travelling

Your children can have a rich experience, seeing different parts of the world and understanding other cultures. And there are several things you can do to support their learning.

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