Some kindergartners are more likely to be heavy users of online tech later, according to new research

Some kindergarten children are more likely to be heavy users of online tech later, according to new research

Importance Of Developing Reading Abilities And Habits In Children In Early Grades

The ability to read and write in early grades can determine the future of a child

Starting kindergarten on the right foot

Kindergarten math skills contributed to better end-of high-school achievement and a lower dropout risk

What Kindergarten Struggles Could Mean for a Child’s Later Years

Substituting online kindergarten for the critical first year of formal education will have consequences for decades

Keeping Kindergartners Engaged in Distance Learning

Is there a secret to keeping kindergarten-aged children engaged in distance learning? Personalizing lessons and giving brain breaks can help young students stay engaged

How to Stay Physically, but Not Emotionally, Distant with Kindergarten and Pre-K Students

Part of creating an emotionally safe environment is supporting rather than punishing children when they struggle to follow the health guidelines

How to make remote learning easily accessible

A kindergarten teacher offers his insight on how remote learning can become more manageable for students and their families

Helping Children With Special Needs Transition to Kindergarten

Teacher-tested tips for preparing children in early childhood special education for kindergarten.

How Teachers Can Ease the Transition to Kindergarten

Three strategies early childhood educators can use to help prepare their students for the changes ahead as they enter kindergarten

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