Learning language

New study reveals the roles that the brain's left and right hemispheres play in language acquisition.

Foreign languages in the context of uninterrupted learning

Learning a second language is one of the major skills a modern, successful person must have

Curious Kids: how do babies learn to talk?

How do babies learn a language? It begins in utero eavesdropping on their moms. As babies they listen to lots of speech, the connections in their brains are more sensitive to speech that is spoken in the environment around them.

Beginning Bilingual

California aims to increase the number of bilingual teachers by training preschool teachers who will work with dual-language learners

How Language Shapes the Brain

The languages infants are exposed to affects their brains and shape how they experience the world around them

Expert: Bilingual students more likely to succeed in school, go to college

Bilingual students more likely to succeed in school, go to college

Half of the world is bilingual. What’s our problem?

Nearly half the world is bilingual. So why is the USA so slow in embracing the benefits of being multilingual?

The increasing role of mandarin in expanding global reach

China's economic influence is growing every year and has expanded all over the globe. If you dream of joining China's booming economy you best learn Mandarin

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